Linggo, Disyembre 31, 2017


Republic of the Philippines
Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan


A Portfolio
Experiences in Off-Campus Practice Teaching

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements in Education 426

A Report Submitted to

Social Studies Supervisor


Table of Contents

I.                   Preliminaries
·         Clearance
·         Certification
·         Approval Sheet/Grade
II.                Prayer of a Student Teacher
                   Personal Education Philosophy Resume
III.             Resume/Curriculum Vitae
IV.             Brief Description of the Site of Practice Teaching
·         Reflection
V.                Sample Lesson Plan
·         Detailed Lesson Plan
·         Semi-detailed Lesson Plan
·         Brief Lesson Plan
VI.             Evidences of Community Outreach
·         Reflections
VII.          Observation and Evaluation Forms
·         Reflections
VIII.       Best Lesson Plan
·         Reflections
IX.             Sample of Learner’s Work and Feedback
·         Reflections
X.                Titles and brief synopsis of professional readings and references
·         Copy of the articles/professional readings
·         Format of Synopsis
i.                    Introduction
ii.                  Summarry/Discussion
iii.                Reaction/Reflection
XI.             Daily Summary of Experiences in the Cooperating School
XII.          Pictures, Documents of Final Demonstration Teaching
·         Rating Scale of Cooperating Teacher
·         Teaching Demonstration Observation Guide

XIII.       Professional Development Plan/Career Plan





Prayer of a Student Teacher


Father God, the maker of heaven and Earth.
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, we thank you.  Thank you for calling us an educator who will train the next generation not only of the knowledge of this world but of the word of God which is the beginning of all wisdom of knowledge. Bless all of us who are here right now. May we become that one teacher who will bring change to every lives of the students. Continue to give us strength to continue the commission you have given to us.
In Jesus name I pray, AMEN.

Teacher’s Creed
                     I am an educator and I have been entrusted with the future. I believe that today's learner's are tomorrow's leaders. They are the engineers, teachers, lawyers, and ambassadors of our future.
              As an educator, I fully recognize the tremendous impact my words and actions have on the lives of those with whom I entrusted. I am humbled by the opportunity I have been given to open the minds of my learners to the wonder and beauty of the world, and I am awed by the infinite possibilities that life hidden within the hearts and minds of the young people I encounter in my classroom everyday.
               I am preparing my learners for a future that does not exist. I will not let anyone of them down. I will design learning experiences that allow them to make connections to each other and to the world. I will encourage them to reach beyond boundaries of the classroom as they seek to discover their own unique place in today's society. I will strive to create an atmosphere in which they are free to explore the unique talents, passions, and strengths that will allow them to impact their world, both today and in the years to come. My hope is that each of my learners will leave me with a deeper sense of who they are and who they may ultimately become.

Personal Education Philosophy

            Teaching young minds is a task that cannot be taken easily. It is full of challenges and responsibilities. However, it is a task that is also full of excitement, learning, wonder, and joy. I strongly believe that all children are capable of learning if they have the proper motivation and direction from their teachers. As a future teacher I need to aware of learning, motivation, behavior, and development theories in order to relate to my students and push them to reach their full potential. It is my duty to see that all my students are being motivated; this is only fair to the students. They deserve my time and full attention in regards to their education.

         Classroom organization is also a key concept to consider when teaching. If students are in a classroom that is unorganized or set up in a way which hinders learning, it is not a good situation for anyone. I need to find creative, new ways to have the room set up and to help my students learn. I also believe in teaching content that is meaningful, applicable, and inviting to students. If they do not see the point of the subject matter then they will not be interested in it. I also believe that high energy levels and a positive attitude from the teacher are key elements to a successful learning environment.

            As future teacher, I will enrich the minds of students. I want them to understand the importance of education. I will serve as a role model and gain respect from all of my students. I believe that my teaching strategies will be inspiring, and my dedication and passion for teaching. I hope that after every successful year of teaching I develop a feeling of satisfaction. I want my students to have an understanding of why education is really important and a positive outlook on life. I hope that by my passion for teaching will have a good result or impact on my students. I want them to walk away with a continuing eagerness and motivational drive to learn and advance.



#125 San Vicente Paombong, Bulacan
Mobile No.: 09050777271
Email Address:

To obtain a position that would fit my qualification and develop further my talents and skills for continuous career development.


Tertiary                      :    Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in Social Studies                                      a              Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan      
                                          (2016 – 2018)

Secondary                  :     San Roque National High School
                                          San Roque, Paombong, Bulacan
                                          (2011 – 2015)

Primary                       :    Paombong Central School
      San Roque, Paombong, Bulacan  
                  (2004 – 2010)

  • ·         Ability to communicate both written and oral.
  • ·         Can speak English and Tagalog.
  • ·         Computer literate (MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Movie Maker, Software Installation)

            Date of Birth  :          July 25, 1997
            Place of Birth :          Malolos, Bulacan
            Civil Status     :          Single
            Citizenship     :           Filipino
            Religion          :           Roman Catholic
            Height             :           5’
            Weight            :           46 kg.


Bakit Educ Seminar
            Held at the Roxas Hall, Bulacan State University
            City of Malolos, Bulacan

            Disaster Preparedness and Risk Reduction Management Seminar
Held at the Activity Center, Bulacan State University
City of Malolos, Bulacan


            Mr. Lemuel Del Rosario         Supervisor, Student Teaching
                                                              Bulacan State University
                                                              City of Malolos, Bulacan

Mrs. Veronica Edna G. Surio SRNHS Faculty
                                                               San Roque National High School
                                                               Paombong, Bulacan

            Mrs. Teresa P. Garcia             SRNHS Principal
                                                              San Roque National High School
                                                              Paombong, Bulacan

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge.

   Sunshine Pahati


Republic of the Philippines Bulacan State University COLLEGE OF EDUCATION City of Malolos, Bulacan -------------------- ...